[新しいコレクション] verilog ifdef else if 121351-Verilog ifdef else if

 The IfThenElsifElse statements can be used to create branches in our program Depending on the value of a variable, or the outcome of an expression, the program can take different paths This blog post is part of the Basic VHDL Tutorials series The basic syntax is if then elsif then else end if; There is no `if in verilog, so you can't do it quite as you suggest You do have ifdef and ifndef, though, but it doesn't give you the opportunity to compare values`ifdef, `else, and `endif These directives can be used to decide which lines of Verilog code should be included for the compilation (Example 4) The `ifdef directive checks if a macro name that follows this directive is defined If it is, then all lines between `ifdef and `else will be included



Verilog ifdef else if

Verilog ifdef else if-Foo = ifdef foo frobozz = yes else frobozz = no endif sets 'frobozz' to 'no' ifndef variablename If the variable variablename has an empty value, the textiftrue is effective;SystemVerilog 05 `` `" `\`" SystemVerilog 09 `define MACRO(arg=default) `undefineall 3 Preprocessor Force for `Good and `Evil wsnyder 1009 `__FILE__ `__LINE__ `Beware_Vendor_Compliance

Technology Management Business Etc Compiling Top File In The Beginning During Simulation In Verilog

Technology Management Business Etc Compiling Top File In The Beginning During Simulation In Verilog

 In Verilog, you can easily use the #ifdef preprocessor In VHDL, which is my first language, I can't replace it, specifically in this circumstance, with the generate statement which can't generate the parameters needed for the ports before starting anything in the block #17 FvM Super Moderator Staff member Joined Messages 48,990 HelpedFor example,(snippet)> `define DEF_1 `define DEF_2 ///// `ifdef DEF_1 `ifdef DEF_2 //Block of code that needs to be executed `endif `endif in the above case it behaves like an ANDThe #ifdef, #ifndef , #elseif, #elif, #else, and

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